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Staying Safe in Cyberspace
Technology and computers are an integral part of our lives, and with the arrival of ChatGPT, we have entered a new age of awareness. It's time for us to start mastering our technology before it masters us.
Did you know that we are surrounded by multiple computers in our daily life? Our phones are computers, and 87% of people have one. This wasn't true 29 years ago, but today, even our homes have several internet of things (IoT) devices. A computer in the fridge or microwave, your internet-connected dishwasher or clothes dryer, light bulbs, and electric outlets are IoT devices. There are approximately 30 billion of these connected to the internet, which is a significant number, and there is a good chance you have some in your home.
Our human brain works similarly to our other computers. It has an operating system that uses instructions called beliefs, which are thoughts that we continue to think day after day. They get compiled like computer code into beliefs that drive our behaviors. Sometimes this code contains glitches or errors in the code.
Although our personal computer and phones receive upgrades from time to time, we rarely update our human computer. Many of us are still running the software installed by our parents and grandparents. While some of this code based on ancestral values is valuable and can guide us to co-creating a new world, some of it is old and outdated, having been around since the Dark Ages and can be dangerous to the evolution of humans.
Integrity checks are necessary to ensure that the updates we install are from the right source. In the world of technology, hackers are a group of humans that experiment and control technology. They are necessary, and without them, we would have no control over our technology. However, not all code has integrity, some code is malicious and can be harmful to the operation of your computer. Therefore, it's essential to learn some tips and techniques to help you identify the tactics used by those ethically challenged individuals who want to install code into your computers.
I’m delivering a workshop on Apr. 30th at Ahiah and will be sharing strategies with you on how to install and use your personal firewall and antivirus (including Anti-Thought Virus) software. You will learn how to identify and avoid fake antivirus and fake technical support attacks, and how to manage your computers so they don't get taken over by other people.
Updating your computers is crucial. Check for updates on your phone, personal computer, and software applications, and download them as needed. Make sure your smart TV, home router, and all devices are updated. When you connect an internet of things (IoT) device to your home network, make sure you change the default password on it and download any updates available.
In addition to updating your technology, you can also update your human computer by regularly sitting in the silence and connecting with your own idea of Source. With close to 8 billion people on planet earth, we have many names for Source, and each of us is connected to a Power that responds to us, connects us to the Universe and to one another. By taking time to allow our thoughts to subside, we will find that our heart is an intelligent “brain” that connects us to love while guiding us to that which makes our heart sing. Software updates will flow in naturally, and you will feel refreshed and renewed by regularly turning within to your center. I call this becoming Mind Free (similar to Mindful but quieter).
If you need help, don't hesitate to reach out to specialists like practitioners or prayer partners. Just as you wouldn't try to perform brain surgery on yourself, leave technical problems to those who know what they're doing so they can teach you how to learn mastery of your information technology and spiritual technology. By mastering our technologies and updating our human computer, we can create the world we have always dreamed of for ourselves and others.