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Listening to Spirit allows us find "The Way"
We become less influenced by the popular or entrenched beliefs of a particular society or culture, and we become much more available to Spirit. We become inspired by the ideas held in the mind of God, and they begin to live and express through us. We begin to be able to articulate them and to live and embody and reveal them. The feeling we have is that we have come home. We are fulfilling our heart's desire, which is the same thing as God's will for us. God's will is for the greater expression of life, of beauty, of everything that God is.
The vision is already accomplished in the mind of God. It's already a complete idea in Spirit, so we don't need to pray for its accomplishment. What we do need to pray for is to be a willing and able vehicle or delivery system for the vision. Using the vision process is always self examination. It's never, "God, I want this. Make this happen." It's always, "What do I have to become to live the vision, to manifest it, to reveal it?" The visioning process, then, is a process of transformation of the individual or of the group.
"Our Prayers are fulfilled through rising to the challenge we are experiencing such that our faith is kindled from a spark of inchoate desire to a mighty flame of faith through our inner transformation and we become the answer we have been seeking" ~ Dana Allen